TCL Archive Clearinghouse Subgroup Okeys Carcinogenesis Testing for Anticancer Drugs September 8, 1978
TCL Archive Mihich Subcommittee Recommendations For Augmenting Agents In BRMP Described December 7, 1979
TCL Archive Healy, Kessler Lose Jobs In Last-Minutes Maneuver By Bush White House To Defy Clinton Request January 22, 1993
TCL Archive NCI’s projected 2.7 percent budget increase for FY 2005 will be insufficient to cover the Institute’s commitments, Director Andrew von Eschenbach said. Planning for new programs will continue nonetheless. NCI is an elephant that will have to learn to dance, he said. NCI director’s new favorite metaphor has a long history, from “The Jungle Book” to a business memoir about IBM. December 3, 2004