What’s inside:
- Testimony to Blue Ribbon Panel
- Spring Conference Address Key Survivorship Issues
- A three day symposium on cancer in minorities in Houston, discussing health disparities between Black and Hispanic Americans and white Americans.

- Focus on Self-Help
- April symposium, “Self-help Group and Health Care Providers in Partnership” in Chicago, sponsored by the American Medical Association.
- Y-Me: “Breast Cancer – The Challenge of the 90’s”
- Two-day conference hosted in Chicago.
- Letter from the President, by Fitzhugh Mullan, M.D.
- What’s News
- Update on the NCCS bikers, National Survivors Day celebrated on April 30, and more.
- Networker Reader: The Men Speak
- Preliminary Clues: Constituent Profile
- The demographics of attendees of NCCS’s Third Annual Assembly.
- Letters to the Editor
- Oncology Nurses and Rehabilitation
- Oncology Nursing Society’s position statement on an article written in the Oncology Nursing Forum