TCL Archive In Brief: Thomas Davis, Stanford Oncologist, Dead At 49; DeVita To Visit, NCI; Hunter Named WHI Liaison September 4, 1992
TCL Archive In Brief: NCI’s George Khoury Dies; Panel to Meet June 22 In Pittsburgh; Rosemary Mackey To Leave MDA May 8, 1987
TCL Archive Cancer clinical trials cooperative groups are in jeopardy, and changes are needed to enable the system to survive, chairmen of the groups wrote in a paper submitted to NCI. White paper makes 25 recommendations, including changing system incentives, review process, group integration with centers and SPOREs, and inclusion in CaBIG. This 8-page issue includes full text of the white paper. April 2, 2004
TCL Archive NCI’s Otis Brawley Named Professor At Emory, Associate Director, Cancer Control, At Winship. April 20, 2001