TCL Archive In Brief: Whittaker Corp, Trying To Hire NCI Director; Environmental Carcinogenesis On NCAB Agenda February 13, 1976
TCL Archive ODAC votes 9-6 in favor of Clolar for pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, but votes against Marqibo for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. December 10, 2004
TCL Archive In Brief: Panel to Meet Jan. 30 In Los Angeles; Fate Of Proposed Urologic Group Depends On Budget January 10, 1986
TCL Archive FDA Says Bristol’s UFT “Not Approvable” For Colorectal Cancer, Contrary To ODAC. March 30, 2001
TCL Archive Segmental Study Finally Published, Says Less Surgery as Good as More, Radiation Helped March 22, 1985