TCL Archive In Brief: Magnuson Subcommittee Increases NCI, NIH Budgets Despite Trimming Labor-HEW Bill By $250 Million August 23, 1974
TCL Archive ACC Survey Preliminary Finding: Three Cancer DRG Categories “Clearly Underpaid Across The Board” January 25, 1985
TCL Archive In Brief: FASEB Report On Diet and Cancer Mortality Available; Don Poppke AO of Nursing Center March 6, 1987
TCL Archive Richard Klausner resigned from the Gates Foundation, saying move was unrelated to Congressional investigation of NCI contract to Harvard University during Klausner’s tenure as NCI director. September 16, 2005
TCL Archive Carcinogenicity Test For Cis-Platinum Needed, DCT Says, But Declines To Pay For It June 16, 1978