TCL Archive In Brief: NCAB To Hear NCOG Appeal; FDA Renege On New Toxicology Protocol, Holds Up INDs April 24, 1981
TCL Archive In Brief: O’Conor Names NCI Liaison To IARC, Saunders Acting IA Director Susan Sieber DCCP Deputy May 27, 1983
TCL Archive ASH Highlights: Improved Treatments For NHL, Poor Prognostic Factors For B-Cell In Children January 30, 2004
TCL Archive Letters To the Editor: NCI director Broder responds To Kopans On Mammography October 8, 1993
TCL Archive In Brief: Survivors Day Scheduled For April 30; Miami Center Names Changed; NCI’s Adamson Honored April 14, 1989
TCL Archive “Start Fighting” Says Former Rep. John Porter To Crowd of 12,000 at AACR Washington Rally April 12, 2013