TCL Archive Control Finally Gets A Leader–Diane Fink–With An In-House Promotion; NCI Says It Will Spend All The Program’s $34 Million March 1, 1974
TCL Archive In Brief: ONS, ASCO AACR Meetings Open In St. Louis Next Week; Bristol-Myers Adds Farber, McArdle Grants April 16, 1982
TCL Archive In Brief: NCI Rushing To Complete Development Of Program Grants System By June 30 May 17, 1974
TCL Archive NCI Payline In 1985 Likely To Be 170; $5.9 Million To Be Diverted to AIDS December 7, 1984
TCL Archive Rauscher Tells Flood Subcommittee How He Would Spend An Extra $50 Million-On Centers, Grants April 5, 1974