TCL Archive Mammography Controversy Continues: Task Force Alters Web Site To Clarify Recommendation On Mammography December 4, 2009
TCL Archive In Brief: Clinton Signs FY95 Apparitions Into Law, to Seek $12 Billion Recision; NIH CUTS Likely October 29, 1993
TCL Archive Acting Commissioner Tells Grassley He Supports “Academic Freedom” at The Agency, but “At A Proper Time.” December 1, 2006
TCL Archive Health Reform Plans Offer Difficult Choices For Patients, Researchers, Practitioners February 25, 1994
TCL Archive In Brief: U – South Western Wins BMS Grant; ONS Gets $1.6 M; Unilever Chair In Diet Formed At CINJ May 7, 1999
TCL Archive Steven Curley Named Chief of Surgical Oncology At Baylor’s Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center October 4, 2013