TCL Archive NCI’s Plan to Limit Growth of Core Grants Prompts Smaller Cancer Centers to Cry Foul May 11, 2012
TCL Archive Funding Opportunities: Lustgarten Foundation Request For Proposals; RFAs Available; NCI Grant Supplements. June 20, 2003
TCL Archive NCI Proposes Inviting Academic Labs To Submit New Therapies For Development January 16, 1998
TCL Archive NCI’s projected 2.7 percent budget increase for FY 2005 will be insufficient to cover the Institute’s commitments, Director Andrew von Eschenbach said. Planning for new programs will continue nonetheless. NCI is an elephant that will have to learn to dance, he said. NCI director’s new favorite metaphor has a long history, from “The Jungle Book” to a business memoir about IBM. December 3, 2004