Susan Love, NCAB member, author, and a founder of the breast cancer advocacy movement, wed her partner of 21 years Helen Sperry Cooksey in San Francisco on Feb. 15, four days after San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom directed the city to legally marry same-sex couples. Cooksey, a general surgeon at the Jeffrey Goodman Clinic of the Gay and Lesbian Center in Los Angeles, Love, and their 15-year-old daughter Katie stood outside City Hall for eight hours last Sunday with hundreds of other couples. Late in the afternoon, Love and Cooksey were married under the Rotunda with Katie as witness and Michael Farrah Jr., senior advisor to the mayor, officiating. “I don’t know what the courts will do, but it sure felt like a Rosa Parks moment,” Love said. “It is important for gay people to be able to get married and we sure are happy to have the opportunity.” The family lives in Pacific Palisades, California.