TCL Archive PR firm Edelman worked for a tobacco company and the National Dialogue on Cancer, despite a promise to the Dialogue that Edelman companies would no longer serve tobacco clients. July 25, 2003
TCL Archive Rauscher Tells Flood Subcommittee How He Would Spend An Extra $50 Million-On Centers, Grants April 5, 1974
TCL Archive In Brief: Bresnick Directs Norris Cotton Cancer Center; FASEB Honors Kirschstein; Van Nevel’s 2th Year February 5, 1993
TCL Archive In Brief: David Johnson New ACCC President, William Dugan Named President Elect; Straus Resigns From NYMC March 12, 1982
TCL Archive FDA Approval of Abraxane Sets Stage for Competition Between Taxane Drugs. Abraxane a Nanotechnology Drug? Sponsor Says Yes, FDA Says. January 14, 2005