TCL Archive FDA Backs Down, Releases INDs, But Revives Controversy Over Clinical Testing Guidelines March 12, 1976
TCL Archive NCI’s projected 2.7 percent budget increase for FY 2005 will be insufficient to cover the Institute’s commitments, Director Andrew von Eschenbach said. Planning for new programs will continue nonetheless. NCI is an elephant that will have to learn to dance, he said. NCI director’s new favorite metaphor has a long history, from “The Jungle Book” to a business memoir about IBM. December 3, 2004
TCL Archive Conversation with TCL:Demetri: Morcellation Worsens Outcomes In Patients with Undiagnosed Cancers November 21, 2014
TCL Archive Proof of principle needed before launching “big science” program, advisors say. March 11, 2005