TCL Archive Also in this 8-page issue: NCI closes its Tobacco Intervention Research Clinic, blaming flat budget, slow accrual. October 15, 2004
TCL Archive Also Cancer policy board urges NCI to convene panel on long-term care for childhood cancer survivors. October 10, 2003
TCL Archive Contracting Dispute and Software Bugs Plague NCI’s $200 Million Bioinformatics Venture February 25, 2011
TCL Archive In Brief: Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation announce 2014 award winners September 12, 2014
TCL Archive In Brief: Bruce Chamber Is DeVita’s Choice as Permanent Director Of DCT; Six New RCDAs Funded In FY 1982 June 11, 1982
TCL Archive Panel To Take Up Issues In Grant/Peer Review System, Consider NCAB Membership Requirements December 11, 1981