TCL Archive In Brief: Shubik, Rhoads, Dixon Affiliations With Industry Lister By House Subcommittee June 11, 1976
TCL Archive NCI payline for investigator-initiated R01 grants falls to the 16th percentile, where it’s likely to stay in FY 2006 under the Bush Administration’s budget proposal. March 25, 2005
TCL Archive Kidney, Bladder Cancer Causes, Treatment, Need More Research, NCI Advisors Find July 26, 2002
TCL Archive In Brief: Urologist Appointed To NCAB; Stovall Named To US Pharmacopeia Oncology Advisory Panel September 8, 1995
TCL Archive In Brief: Fishman La Jolla President Emeritus, Ruoslahti Succeeds Him; Ariz. Seeks Meyskins Replacement January 13, 1989