TCL Archive Institute for Cancer Prevention, of Valhalla, N.Y., last week closed its doors and sought protection under bankruptcy laws after NCI alleged that the center improperly withdrew $5.7 million in federal funds. IFCP, formerly known as American Health Foundation, had ample warning of its fiscal crisis, NCI said. October 1, 2004
TCL Archive Sen. Bumpers Aims to Raise Health Research $$ With Cuts to Space Station, Supercollider, SDI April 25, 1992
TCL Archive In Brief: Wyeth-Ayerst To donate hormone Replacement Therapy To NIH For Women’s Health Initiative April 23, 1993
TCL Archive In Brief: ASCO Letter To Clinton Urges support For Trials; Senator Praises NCI, Bristol; Berlin Back A NCI January 15, 1993