Former first lady Barbara Bush and future first lady Laura Bush visited Fox Chase Cancer Center on October 19, 2000. They were accompanied by Lynne Cheney, Michele Ridge, and Kathy Schweiber. The women all wore pink ribbons in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness month. During the visit, they listened to patients’ stories and offered them support, and learned about research programs at Fox Chase. They saw a demo of a radiation machine and Laura Bush shared her mother’s breast cancer story, since she had just finished her treatment. Barbara Bush was honored to meet our nurses and said, “You know, we need more of you”.
“It’s very important this month particularly to remind women around the United States to take responsibility for their own health and make an appointment for a mammogram. Because there’s not a cure—and early detection is what really saves lives.”
– Laura Bush, Oct. 19, 2000, speaking at Fox Chase Cancer Center